
Impulses Disappear at the Starting Time

By Lian Huang
  (黄楝 原诗 黄楝 英译)

Heart beating 9876543210 times per minute
rapid enough to launch me up into the sky
not seen clearly whether there'r clouds or not
Wanna sing badly
9999 times more beautifully than turbulent waves
shooting stars vows of lovers vocanic eruptions
Stretch out a cold hand in order to get a pen to write poems with
But the trembling brought    by fancy and fantacy
intoxicates every nerve of the hand
Then a murky sky over a dark earth
a riot of colors    Eyesight lur
The world's a ludicrous face of a worst clown
That can make nobody laugh
Sensation is gorgeous
Throw away pondering as if taking off a heavy coat Only when U r naked
can U find how emaciated U r
U begin to miss the heavy coat
U used to consider weighty
'n seek to communicate with the eyes
in which U were once reve;ed
Songs club you to dizziness
U simply wanna seize Newton's wig
'n right away draft onetwothreefotirfive equations to prove that even without wings
U can als
The moon outside the window
is white&-holy&-pure    like a bride
The Moon's white&holy &pure like a bride
The Moon's white&holy&pure like the bride's
The Moon's white&holy&pure like the part of the bride's
not yet stained by R drops of sweat when listening to
a minister's blessings on her future life
It's your sensing headaches that makes
U r sheer the cudgesl of unequal weights on 2 ends
used by robbers to raid pedestians
that beat the shadow of your figure to tottering
when u r bored U even take to quaffing
a sort of hormone name unknow
to make more ra eye ar
                       mouth    grow to
get yourself ornamented
'n care not other people's applause or jeer
U r too unrestrained 'n carefree to trpography
your manifesto and resume of life
with other people's facial expressions
U feel U r really yourself 'cause U don't know
who U r where from where to go where U'll stop and stay
U don't all these at all know
It's terrific
               terribly terrific
Your cheeks r then covered with beard for blank of mind
U find u've grown old
Naturally U won't write about the years when
U r old in your poems
U r a wandering cloud in the sunny sky
Live on
white and fffffattttt


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